I was very surprised to learn that baby gulls look like this, but when they started screaming their identity was confirmed
@skinnylatte they’re so cute!
@skinnylatte oh my goodness they're so cute
@skinnylatte My slightly not awake brain, instantly: "Wow, those quail eggs are a really weird shape"
@skinnylatte Camouflage for the young is an interesting topic. I always thought cheetah cubs looked like little punks, but it's to make them look like badgers to eagles.
@skinnylatte So spotty! :)
@skinnylatte little camouflaged cuties!
@skinnylatte the spotted fluffy little heads :3 aaahhhhh!
@skinnylatte Is that a pile of stolen French fries behind the seagull chicks, Adrianna?
@jstatepost @skinnylatte
Stolen? They worked hard for those fries!