/r/Adulting is full of probably very depressed people posting about how it sucks to be an adult when actually it sucks to have depression
/r/Frugal is full of very cheap people who should probably get financial therapy because it’s financial trauma cosplaying as frugality (I love frugality! But some of those folks.. are not frugal, they are obsessed with never spending money!)
@skinnylatte “Financial trauma”? Like, experienced financial hardship/being poor and that bc of that someone would be afraid of spending?
@boby_biq I think everyone has some kind of financial trauma of some kind. If you grew up poor, you might still feel like everything is going to be lost if you eat something nice once. Or you might go the other way and really develop shopping addictions. There’s a lot of people in the frugal lifestyle who have scarcity mindset even when they are rich, sometimes to the extent of ignoring social connections completely or writing off people not like them
@skinnylatte Thanks, I just didn’t know what it was, also re reading my reply it wasn’t super clear.
(I am weird with money )
@boby_biq many people are! I am! We all are to an extent!