Airline: cancels my flight
Me: I took uber to a friends home for the night and bought them and their partner breakfast to thank them, you should cover it because a hotel would have been more expensive.
Airline: Okay.
Me: I know that your policy is to limit... wait, really?
@ryanc No invoice required? They must not be German...
@skolima Invoice for breakfast or lodging? I submitted the receipt for breakfast.
@ryanc Ah fair enough. I remember _someone_ giving me a fix repayment for delay overnight, with no need for invoices. Thought it was like that perhaps.
@skolima Per another post, there's statutory compensation of £520, plus expenses.
The breakfast was out of policy, but apparently they can use discretion.
I have top-tier status with the airline, but apparently the person processing my claim couldn't even see that.