It's TestBash Spring today and I'm "speaking". Since the talk has been pre-recorded and only the Q&A is live I'm no nervous at all which is so weird!
If you want to join the conference it's still possible at
#testing #conference #TestBash
Talk is done and I'm glad that everything went smooth on my end. Got good feedback, got great questions and now I'm ready to relax and enjoy the other talks. Ministry of Testing did a great job on the speaker experience from CfP to talk being finished
#testing #conference #TestBash
@the_qa_guy Your talk was so valuable! I've been through similar situations myself. Usually my dev & sys admin teammates were on board to shorten that feedback loop, but sometimes it was hard to influence improvements.
@lisacrispin Thank you for the kind words!
I always find it hard to estimate if a talk will be valuable for others and it's such a relief if it is.
Many people were on board to shorten the feedback loop, they just didn't have (or make) the time to do it