Finally getting to start HRT soon! Doctor just approved me for treatment. I'm so happy I could cry! I've been trying to access healthcare for.. a long time. (So long my doctor had to double check)
@plaindocs thanks!
Congratulations, that's so fucking exciting for you! I'm so happy you're finally gonna start getting some of the care you need and deserve.
@thisismissem amazing. Is it covered by the German healthcare system? Hope so...
@ninabreznik it should be
@thisismissem i am happy for you. Hope more people have access to all the therapies they need
Hope the your journey will not be too hard on the body. I am just in the process of IVF and it's not the easiest with all the hormons in my body
@ninabreznik oofh, yeah, I've heard IVF can be quite brutal with the hormones affecting your body.
@thisismissem so yours are not that hard core?
@ninabreznik nah, mine's like going through puberty again.
@thisismissem sounds horrible. Hahaha. Rebel mode
@thisismissem Yay! Congrats!