Me: Please don't use Chromium-based browsers, use Firefox instead. Google has way too much control over the web because of Chromium and they'll be sure to leverage that in order to benefit themselves.
Chromium: Hey all, we're getting rid of ad-blockers because it's cutting into our record-breaking revenue! I mean, uh, we're deprecating Manifest V2 for, uh, security. Yeah.
Me: See? Please use Firefox.
Mozilla: Hey friends, AI is really cool! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we're making an ads business! *steps on rake* Hey friends, we have a ToS with either the most nefarious or the most incompetent language ever! *steps on rake* Also AI is cool!!!
Me: ... I hate it here.
I've been using FF specifically to avoid Chromium. Any suggestions for alternatives now that they've slammed their hand in a car door?
@unixorn There are some Firefox forks that are decent. I use LibreWolf, but there's also Floorp, IceWeasel, and a couple others. Honestly, I still don't think Mozilla is that bad and I don't think their ToS is as big a deal as people are making it out to be, but I'm a little tired of playing new 'feature' whack-a-mole so LibreWolf has been nice, even if I did immediately turn off most of the security features of it.