O concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar na área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX), aberto pela Universidade de Évora, encerra a 20 de Março.
O concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar na área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX), aberto pela Universidade de Évora, encerra a 20 de Março.
We have opened a call for another position funded by the FCT Tenure programme. In this case, we are looking to hire an Assistant Professor in the thematic area of ‘Artistic Circulations and Cultural Transfers’.
8 April
Our 2nd group of calls to hire four Assistant Researchers under the #FCTTenure programme ends on 24 February:
2023.11076.TENURE.199: #Migrations and #Globalization in Historical Perspective
2023.11076.TENURE.200: #Colonialism, #AntiColonialism, #Decolonization
2023.11076.TENURE.203: #SocialMovements, State and #Capitalism in #ContemporaryHistory
2023.11076.TENURE.259: History, specialising in #memory and #heritage
The first group of calls to hire four Assistant Researchers for the IHC under the #FCTTenure programme ends on 21 February:
2023.11076.TENURE.201: History in the Age of the #Anthropocene
2023.11076.TENURE.202: #CulturalMediations
2023.11076.TENURE.204: #Empire and #GlobalHistory
2023.11076.TENURE.255: Art, Science and Technology and colonial built #heritage
A Universidade de Évora abriu um concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar para a área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX).
As candidaturas decorrem até 20 de Março.
The IHC's 2nd call for applications to hire 4 Assistant Researchers under the #FCTTenure programme is open:
2023.11076.TENURE.199: #Migrations and #Globalization in Historical Perspective
2023.11076.TENURE.200: #Colonialism, #AntiColonialism, #Decolonization
2023.11076.TENURE.203: #SocialMovements, #State and #Capitalism in Contemporary History
2023.11076.TENURE.259: History, specialising in #Memory and #Heritage
24 February
The IHC's first call for applications to hire 4 Assistant Researchers under the FCT Tenure programme has opened:
2023.11076.TENURE.201: History in the Age of the #Anthropocene
2023.11076.TENURE.202: #CulturalMediations
2023.11076.TENURE.204: #Empire and #GlobalHistory
2023.11076.TENURE.255: Art, Science and Technology and colonial built #heritage
21 February
Até 7 de Fevereiro, podem submeter a vossa candidatura ao concurso de Bolsa de Investigação para Mestre, que abrimos no âmbito do projecto #FILMASPORA — "Filmes Populares na Diáspora: para uma nova cine-geografia da área metropolitana de Lisboa".
A bolsa terá a duração de um ano.
Está aberto um concurso para a contratação de um/a Investigador/a Auxiliar na área das Humanidades, com experiência de investigação histórica em torno do período contemporâneo, para exercer funções no âmbito do Laboratório Associado #IN2PAST.
Prazo: 3 de Dezembro
️ Relembramos que temos aberto um concurso para atribuição de uma Bolsa de Investigação para Licenciado/a para integrar a equipa do projecto #DecTil — "Examinar a descolonização de Timor-Leste, 1974-82: o Relatório Riscado", financiado pela FCT.
As candidaturas decorrem até 30 de Outubro
Until 15 September, we are still receiving prospective applications for the 7th edition of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus, launched by the FCT.
Check out our call at https://bit.ly/ceec2024
The Jane Addams Papers editorial project at Ramapo College is looking for an assistant editor:
️Last call! The deadline for prospective applicants who wish to have the IHC as host institution for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships is 23 June.
Any #SouthDakota #oralhistorians on this app? I may have an interesting job to pass along concerning the Wind Caves.
It would require too much travel for me, but could be ideal for a local historian who lives nearby and has spare time.
If you know of anyone who may fit this description feel free to pass it along! The contractor that reached out to me has a deadline of June 27, and it’s a cool gig—just not right for me.
Historian position at the Department of State closes in 3 days. Announcement and instructions for application are here:
The Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State has a new job opening for a historian! Announcement and instructions for application are here:
Job closes on December 26, 2023.
️The applications for a Junior Researcher position for the project "KNOW-AFRICA - Knowledge networks in 19th century Africa", coordinated by Sara Albuquerque at the University of Évora, closes on 20 November.
Come and work with us! We are recruiting for a new post of Training Fellow in History & the Humanities. Full-time, fixed term for 36 months. Details and how to apply here: https://www.jobs.london.ac.uk/Job/JobDetail?isPreview=Yes&jobid=2613 #HistoryJobs
The Office of the Historian at the U.S. Department of State is hiring a supervisory oral historian. Job closes on Monday, September 11:
Please read the "this job is open to" section carefully before applying to insure that you fall under one of the hiring paths for these jobs.