Don't forget!!!! Contrary to what #Axios feels, this CAN work!!
#EconomicBlackout #February28th #PeoplesUnion #MakeThemPay

Don't forget!!!! Contrary to what #Axios feels, this CAN work!!
#EconomicBlackout #February28th #PeoplesUnion #MakeThemPay
El 1% más rico emite más que el 50% más pobre. Mientras ellos acumulan riqueza, millones de personas sufren sequías, inundaciones y desplazamientos forzados.
Aunque hemos sido absueltos, denunciamos la criminalización del activismo. El sistema protege a los ricos mientras reprime a quienes luchan por la justicia climática.
¡No nos detendrán! Seguimos en pie de lucha por un futuro justo.
Colabora contra la represión aquí:
Dos activistas de @EsRebelCientif y @rebelionoextincion hemos sido absueltos del juicio por pintar con pintura biodegradable el megayate Kaos, propiedad de la familia Walton.
La acción forma parte de #MakeThemPay para denunciar cómo el lujo extremo perpetúa la desigualdad mientras destruye el planeta.
Exigimos prohibir megayates y jets privados y establecer impuestos justos a las grandes fortunas para frenar la crisis climática.
Colabora aquí:
Make Big Oil pay for their damages: ‘Big oil’s negligence’: LA residents call on fossil fuel industry to pay for wildfire damages #fossilfuels #BigOil #LosAngelesFire #wildfires #MakeThemPay
More place need to do this. Make fossil fuel companies pay for their damages: New York to fine fossil fuel companies $75 billion under new climate law #ClimateAction #NewYork #MakeThemPay #fossilfuels
Global billionaire tax could yield $250 billion annually, study says #wealthtax #MakeThemPay #billionaires #inequality
Take some wealth from the world's billionaires to cover the costs: Net zero target needs $3.5 trillion in annual green energy investment, Wood Mackenzie says #netzero #emissions #MakeThemPay #ClimateFinance #ClimateAction
Sue them and make them pay: California sues Exxon over global plastic pollution #ClimateJustice #ExxonMobil #fossilfuels #MakeThemPay #plastics #plasticspollution #polluters
454 #ClimateLegal #MakeThemPay
"Make Polluters Pay" [1:52 min]
by PoliticsGirl
Quote by PG:
"13 sep 2024
It’s about time the people who polluted our country start paying to clean it up…
link to mentioned petition:
-> <-
#TakeCareForLife #TakeCareForEarth
#StopBurnigThings #StopEcoside
Climate crisis: Pressure mounts on oil companies - As summer draws to a close, let's reflect on recent climate news and remember that it's time for oil companies to bear the costs of climate disasters #fossilfuels #BigOil #ClimateCrisis #MakeThemPay
Eliminating poverty and climate action could have a new source of funding: Global Wealth Tax Could Raise $2.1 Trillion Annually for Climate Action and More #wealthtax #MakeThemPay #ClimateAction #poverty #inequality #billionaires
40,000 Hotel Workers Contract Strike Vote
Graph workers vs profits
#UniteHere #HotelWorkers #union #strike #MakeThemPay #RespectOurWork
#Marriott, #Omni, #Hilton, and #Hyatt
I just signed the petition calling on the federal government to make Big Oil foot the bill for this summer's wildfires - will you join me? #BigOil #wildfires #Canada #fossilfuels #MakeThemPay #cdnpoli
We just moved servers. Hi to everyone in!
Yesterday was our street-party "Get Down" against private jets, at Copenhagen Airport in Kastrup, together with @ExtinctionR Denmark. The richest 1% of the world´s population is responsible for half of the CO2 emissions from commercial air traffic. While the 99% are dealing with a burning world and barely managing to pay the bills, the 1% are city-hopping and spending weekends in Mediterranean beaches. It is time to #MakeThemPay and #BanPrivateJets.
Below are some highlights from our party! 1/n
Pariser Gericht lässt Klimaklage gegen #TotalEnergiesDE zu. Da deren Geschäftsmodell unsere Lebensgrundlagen zerstört, ist dies der nächste richtige Schritt zur juristischen Verfolgung.
"#Kalifornien wird versuchen, mit Hilfe von Verbraucherschutzgesetzen die Gewinne von Ölkonzernen zu beschlagnahmen. Diese werden beschuldigt, die Öffentlichkeit jahrzehntelang über ihre Rolle in der #Klimakatastrophe getäuscht zu haben."
Wegen Abschiebe-Kalendern: AfD in Senftenberg droht juristischer Ärger – #makethempay #LockThemUp
In einem Kalender verbreitet eine Brandenburger AfD-Stadtfraktion ausländerfeindliche Botschaften – mit Bildern von Kreuzfahrtschiffen und zum Entsetzen mehrerer Reedereien. Juristischer Ärger droht von mehreren Reedereien. Nachfragen hätten ergeben, dass die sechs betroffenen Reedereien der Verwendung der Bilder und ihrer Logos nicht zugestimmt hätten
Vermont is going to make fossil fuel companies pay. Example for the rest of the United States as well as Canada to follow #fossilfuels #MakeThemPay
Canadian cities & provinces need to make Big Oil pay too: How one Oregon county plans to make big oil pay for the 2021 heat dome #ClimateJustice #fossilfuels #BigOil #MakeThemPay #ClimateCrisis