Aquest any fa 30 anys que ens arribava "SeaQuest DSV" per "Game Boy Color" de #Nintendo . #SeaquestDsv #GameBoyColor #Shooter #Estratègia #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Aquest any fa 30 anys que ens arribava "SeaQuest DSV" per "Game Boy Color" de #Nintendo . #SeaquestDsv #GameBoyColor #Shooter #Estratègia #Videojocs #Gaming #VideoGames #RetroGaming #ClassicGaming #RetroGames #VideojocsAntics
Oh, that time that Super hacker (Tim Russ), Undersea boy genius Lucas (Jonathan Brandis), Hacker teen (Seth Green), and Hacker teen (nice gender include for 1993, Sarah Koskoff) were busy HACKING THE PLANET from an under ocean fiber optic hub? Run by teenagers? What? This doesn't make any sense at all.
#seaquest #timruss #seaquestdsv #sethgreen #sarakoskoff #hacking #hacktheplanet #1994 #cybersecurity #hackers
@Glorrion Ein paar davon waren in Auswahl, aber habens nicht unter die Top 11 geschafft - entweder weil kein Skipper auszumachen war oder weil ich schon ein anderes Schiff aus dem Franchise ausgewählt hatte. Andere kenne ich überhaupt nicht, oder nur vom Hörensagen, waren also gar keine Optionen für mich bzw. zu nischig. Über die Andromeda hüllen wir grade wegen ihres irren Kommandanten den Mantel ewigen Schweigens. Aber die #SeaQuestDSV (Cpt. Nathan Bridger) hätt' ich noch nehmen können.
This blast from the past popped up on YouTube: SeaQuest DSV. #SeaQuestDSV #Mastodon
Hot damn, this is exciting news for a die-hard Questie. I’ve always had a soft spot for this show (and I’ll happily explain how it works as a prequel to #StarTrek).
BTW - the OP has done incredible work cataloguing the show at
Did you know that this actor, #PeterDeluise, who played Dagwood in #SeaquestDSV, wrote and directed a bunch of #stargatesg1 episodes?! Sooo cool!
A lot of old sci-fi shows have the general/admiral/boss dispensing instructions over a view screen and it's always disproportionately devastating when they get recast between seasons without explanation. #scifi #startrek #seaquestdsv
Happy 30th anniversary to these aquatic dorks. :)
#seaQuestDSV was doing #seaShanties before they were cool.
Over on Bluesky, I answered this prompt:
What is your first childhood memory of doing something online?
With: I’m fairly certain Discovery Channel’s website was the first one I ever visited. I also spent a ton of time on The Sci-Fi Channel’s #seaQuestDSV site, which led me to webrings of fanfics and RPGs set in that universe. RIP seaFire, seaQuest 2047, and Atlantis DSV.
Wrapped up my unofficial-official #seaQuestDSV season 1 rewatch. Some thoughts:
-This season is still one of the best seasons of TV science fiction of all time. There are clunkers in there, but it’s an extremely strong season.
-The score is supremely underrated.
-Roy Scheider is magnetic as Captain Bridger, but the supporting cast is pitch perfect.
-The 1993 CGI holds up extremely well, given the show’s underwater setting.
-Even though we are now almost five years past its setting, the show still managed to predict elements of our current era, like election misinformation and deepfakes.
The entire series is available on Blu-ray, as well as on Peacock.
So I've been rewatching #seaQuestDSV season 1 where Bob Ballard comes on & talks about the science from that week's episode over the end credits.
It could be really fun if @drerinmac or @mafnoor did that for modern #StarTrek (kidding, well, mostly)
“Bad Water” might be the tightest script ever written for #seaQuestDSV. You’ve got:
-A ticking clock (a French tourist sub has gone missing)
-A missing shuttle (a seaLaunch in the show’s parlance)
-A crippled seaQuest trying to find both
-A hurricane complicating everything
It all gels so well, not a minute is wasted.
Internet is down for the count until at least tomorrow, so I’m watching Blu-rays. Specifically, #seaQuestDSV. This is a reminder that seaQuest is a #StarTrek prequel.
At least in my head canon.
A #SeaQuest (#SeaQuestDSV) reboot would be nice. In the meantime I have to watch it again to see how that aged.
Currently rewatching #seaQuestDSV which shockingly is 30 years old. My main memories of the first season is that it was a bit dull and it would seem that my memory served me well. Feature length Pilot episode showed promise with Shelley Hack as an evil undersea bitch vowing to destroy the seaQuest, loads of opportunity for drama and adventure. Episode 2... erm, Darwin (the talking dolphin) catches an underwater cold...
Ich bin ein großer Fan all der neuen #StarTrek Serien. Worüber ich mich auch sehr freuen würde, wäre eine Neuauflage von #SeaQuestDSV! Das Meer kommt eigentlich immer zu kurz dafür, dass es soooo wichtig ist! #MareTech
@hambledown_road Yes. I reckon season one of seaQuest DSV is the best of all three seasons and season two was the worst. #seaQuestDSV #seaQuest2032
Any #SeaQuestDSV fans here?