Come join our amazing community. Don't let the robots win! Listen for free anywhere in the world. #musicmatters #kexp #youarenotalone
Come join our amazing community. Don't let the robots win! Listen for free anywhere in the world. #musicmatters #kexp #youarenotalone
Stop doom scrolling and turn on
You will not hear anything like it on your radio. The spring drive is happening and the momentum is building. Help fight the good fight. Keep the music flowing and the best community going. If you need good in your life come join us!
#kexp #musicmatters #youarenotalone
Today is all about the kids. Pay it forward. Give a little, give a lot. #musicmatters #youarenotalone
I see that from now on we need more than just warm words of shocked #solidarity.
Please let us all #donate here for #Ukraine. It is about our #existence across #Europe, and sooner rather than later:
options to donate for
- #Defense
- Humanitarian #Demining
- #MedicalAid
- #RebuildUkraine
- Education and Science
#StandWithUkraine #Selenskyy #YouAreNotAlone #SlavaUkraini #СлаваУкраїні!
#RussiaIsATerroristState #StopPutin
Content Warning: Depression
Depression can feel isolating, but it's important to remember you're not alone. Reach out to friends, family, or professionals who can provide support and guidance. Self-care, like exercise and mindfulness, can also be helpful. Let's break the stigma and support each other. #MentalHealth #DepressionAwareness #YouAreNotAlone
Today we had an entire set of only Pixie songs. Why? Because why the hell not? Listen anywhere in the world for free #musicmatters #youarenotalone
Voir les paroles de la chanson “You Are Not Alone” de Michael Jackson
#MichaelJackson #YouAreNotAlone
"This week, President Donald Trump put a label on how he sees himself: 'KING.'
"Between his efforts to consolidate power under the executive branch and his defiance of the Constitution, Trump is certainly acting like a monarch, firing his top generals and claiming he is the law.
Před jednáním a v jeho průběhu před soudní budovou probíhala solidární antifašistická demonstrace. Podporovatelé*ky Maji z Německa kritizovali*y vydání německými úřady do Maďarska (německý ústavní soud nedávno rozhodl, že vydání bylo nelegální) a nespravedlivý soudní proces. Na demonstraci vystoupil také Majin otec.
Prohlášení, kt. Maja přečetl*a u soudu, si můžete přečíst tady:
Aktuality k procesu:
#FreeMaja #FreeAllAntifas #YouAreNotAlone #Solidarity
@Uncleharvey we’re living in terrifying times. Hugs to everyone trying to process this disaster as it unfolds. We need each other more than ever. #youarenotalone
People often avoid doctor’s appointments due to the fear of discovering a serious illness.
If you experience this fear, it’s normal and you’re not alone. Remember, most serious illnesses are less severe if detected and treated promptly.
Ongoing Coup | Attorney General Kris Mayes
This is not ok.
I'm not fine.
A little soul food to keep our spirits fed and glowing. Find the joy even in the dark and refuse to stop living.
2 Ways to Leverage your Republican Senators and Reps to Fight Fascism
#Civics #CivicEngagement
#Project2025 #Fascism #MAGA #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #ChristianNationalism #ApartheidAmerica #Trump #USPol #USPolitics #Zombies #WhiteNationalism #ReligiousFreedom #DisabilityRights #WomensRights #LGBTQRights #CivilRights #HumanRights
I'm self taught. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I managed to figure out this cool basket pattern! I'll just be here knitting as my plan to try and stay sane. #youarenotalone #knitting #diy #life
#MutualAid “survival pending revolution”
>These solidarity economy programs helped oppressed peoples meet their basic needs, and instead of being ashamed about not being able to feed themselves, people built a shared analysis about poverty and racism, breaking down isolation and making them able to work together for change.