[FOR SALE] Empty USB flash drive! 1000TB
[FOR SALE] Empty USB flash drive! 1000TB
Air cooled my flash drive to get ultra fast performance out of it
@ginaintheburg Are you shure you don't conflate @torproject / #TorBrowser with @tails_live / @tails / #Tails, which is a #Linux #distro with #Tor & Tor #Browser setup and ready to use.
Confusingly Tails has been absorbed by the #TorProject but that's a different story...
As for #Accessibility, maybe the combination of a #HeadMountedDisplay & wireless Keyboard + Mouse combo offers you the desired flexibility...
Is it true that writing a bootable image to a flash drive is a "write once" operation and you can forget about reusing the drive for another bootable image?
@nixCraft nearly all suitably encrypted. No FDE.
OpenZFS encryption for:
* the sensitive part of a mobile hard disk drive
* three low-spec USB memory sticks that add around 145 GiB persistent removable L2ARC to a circa 2014 HP ZBook with 32 G memory and a ~1 TB internal HDD.
GELI for 16 G swap.
GELI for 915 G /
tmpfs for /tmp/
「… blocks in the L2ARC have the exact same on-disk representation as they do in the main pool. …」
geli(8) <https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=geli&sektion=8&manpath=freebsd-release> – automatically configured when FreeBSD was installed.
tmpfs(4) <https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=tmpfs&sektion=4&manpath=freebsd-current> (FreeBSD 15.0-CURRENT)
How to permanently #deletefiles from a #USB #FlashDrive — complete guide
@JessTheUnstill @hikhvar @wtremmel @benjojo agreed. Not to mention even if a stick is inna transparent casing like an "Intenso Rainbow Line" nothing prevebts one from just making a custom PCB with a ATmega based #BadUSB integrated onboard...
@SweetAIBelle Needless to say I'm convinced I can just boot @OS1337 from either a #USB-#Floppy(-#Emulator via USB Adaptor) or regular #flashdrive using #Ventoy, as #ISOLINUX distro...
I'll test it out today...
Luckily I have some "bare metal" to test against:
Sadly I don't have much more "lower end" or "legacy" systems as a significant collection of mine got stolen from storage years ago and I don't have the money flying around to build @rasteri 's #Wee86 / #WeeCee... I was thinking about getting one of those Dell Wyse 3040 which AFAIK come with a #cursed #32bit #UEFI...
Sadly "Potato-level" #Netbooks running #VIA #C7 chips are nowadays rare and absurdly expensive and targeting those would be good as they already get too slow for mainstream 32bit distros like #BunsenLabsLinux so repurposing those as #OS1337 testing machines and target hardware may be a good option...
Tho just clocking down a #ThinClient with VIA Edenwould be sufficient to test out.
One of the machines that stolen from me was a Futro S300 with a #Transmeta CPU that I originally intended to use as #Windows95 box...
I'm not sure I need all of these boot USB sticks...
I probably should just make a #ventoy stick and use these for something else.
Berryboot is for the Raspberry PI, ChromeOS Flex is an old version, Windows 10 1909 fixed a boot issue I was having with a linux install (Weird huh? - Yeah I thought so too, Boot Repair didn't even fix it). There are 4 or 5 different Linux Mint installs dating back to 19.3, Clonezilla and finally a Video Game Console Retro Disk
Samsung Bar Plus 256 GB Stick vs. Kingston DataTraveler SE9 512 GB.
Beide sind relativ schnell, schlüsselbundtauglich und haben ein Gehäuse aus Metall (ohne Deckel).
Der Samsung kommt an meinen Schlüsselbund wegen der höheren Leserate. Der andere an den TV.
cc @earthling42
#usbStick #flashDrive #usb #samsung #kingston
There are incredibly fast USB flash drives. Some of them can do like 1000 MB/s read and write.
... But if you're looking for the ones which have a FULL METAL (!!!) body, have no cap and have a reasonable, key ring compatible size... Speeds go down to like 200 MB/s read and 100 MB/s write.
That's soo unfortunate. I've ordered a Kingston SE9 G3 512 GB drive yesterday because its benchmarks looked promising. Still.. Do you have recommendations?
I swear it's the case that the smaller USBs get the more storage they hold...
If you need to test your USB media to ensure you have genuine reliable storage and the capacity advertised then this free tool will help:
Not all USB flash drives actually have the capacity they advertise, particularly if they are inexpensive or with inflated capacities
Why is Amazon suggesting multiple different listing of scam 1TB flash drives to me
I love it when Debian tells me that "all filesystem operations have been completed" on my flash drive.
But when I want to eject it I get "Writing data to [device]. Device should not be unplugged."
(I'm paraphrasing above.)
Fail of the Week: This Flash Drive Will NOT Self-Destruct in Five Seconds - How hard can it be to kill a flash drive? Judging by the look of defeat on [Walker... - https://hackaday.com/2023/11/25/fail-of-the-week-this-flash-drive-will-not-self-destruct-in-five-seconds/ #voltagedoubler #failoftheweek #datasecurity #selfdestruct #flashdrive #superacid #h-bridge #polarity #thermite #privacy #fotw
Vital tip from @Nonog on fraudulent USB stick drives. You might think, who cares if it's not a legit brand? But it's far worse:
"What’s insidious is that the files’ contents may have never been stored.”
“These fraudulent drives contain just enough storage — typically 64GB — to convincingly hold the file system’s directory listing. But once its first 64GB of storage space has been filled, the contents of any additional files will not actually be stored"
It's time for "Will it slow to the speed of a tar-pitch drop, or burn with the intensity of the sun and stop working" new USB flash drive challenge!