Ich bin pleite, aber lass mich tanzen auf der Schwelle zu diesem neuen Leben, das kein Geld braucht um wirklich zu sein.
I'm broke, but let me dance at the edge of this new life that doesn't need money to be real.
Ich bin pleite, aber lass mich tanzen auf der Schwelle zu diesem neuen Leben, das kein Geld braucht um wirklich zu sein.
I'm broke, but let me dance at the edge of this new life that doesn't need money to be real.
Do you know about ROBIN HOOD ARMY!?
It's an organization that accepts no money and feeds the poor people through, fit to eat leftover food and also other resources.
Working in 13 countries currently.
#India #Pakistan #Malaysia #Nepal #Srilanka
#Nigeria #Uganda #Zambia #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Botswana #Indonesia #Guinea
• No funds
• Apolitical
• Non-Religious
Boost to spread this movement!
#MutualAid #robinhoodarmy #apolitical #anarchist
#atheist #atheism #nofunds #zerofunds #volunteer #volunteering #Community #abolishmoney #feedthepoor #foodwastage #climatechange #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #humanity
"Imagine your grandma gives you a hand-knit sweater, and you respond by giving her a grway big punch to the face. That's exactly what we do when mining just about anything from mother Earth."
- me, teaching the #GiftEconomy
Not only did this grab attention and earn a few scarce chuckles, I what learned that two faculty in my department are, independently, teaching about the gift economy. Love that things are changing in the field.
Feb 28 2025
International Economic Blackout Day!
Are you participating?
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
Ithaca Ecovillage , USA
"EcoVillage at Ithaca is part of a global movement of people seeking to create positive solutions to the social, environmental and economic crises our planet faces."
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-uH36w9xg8
• https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/ecovillage-at-ithaca/
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
"What I learned was, every dollar I was spending, I was part of systems of destruction."
This video is for people who don't know the "WHY" behind moneyless society.
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
#solarpunk #conciousliving #consciousliving
What is the thing you're no longer buying?
Less you spend, the more you resist.
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
#solarpunk #DIY
It's the economic thinking, which is killing us. We need new (ancient) story of other types of economies, based on reciprocity, knowing my enough, and valuing Earth & Nature. #degrowth, #gifteconomy #SacretEconomy, #DoughnutEconomy, #RegenerativeEconomy
"north carolina" really really free markets:
"durham": @durham.rrfm on instagram
@ orchard park ~ third saturdays of the month ~ 12:00-14:00
"raleigh": @raleighrrfm_ on instagram or https://raleighrrfm.straw.page
@ eliza pool park ~ second sundays of the month ~ 11:00-13:00
"carrboro": on facebook, look up carrboro RRFM. oldest RRFM in the area, had their 20th anniversary last year!
@ carrboro town commons ~ first saturdays of the month ~ 14:00-16:00
"asheville": currently being revamped if i recall?
"winston-salem" & "greensboro" both had one-time markets last year, doesn't seem like they are active anymore.
let me know if i missed some or made some mistakes! i'll edit this if so.
As a reminder, gift economies aren't markets. Stop conflating barter with gift economy. Markets are not personal. Markets are based on commodity production. Gift economies are based on your actual relationship with someone. #gifteconomy #markets #anticapitalism #praxis #anarchy #anarchism
Reblog of Stefan Bohacek:
Reblog via Stefan Bohacek "Relational creation means recognizing the value that others have brought to you, and wanting to acknowledge it publicly. That means crediting… that means linking." #internet #TheWeb #OpenWeb #indieweb #GiftEconomy Esto es una forma específica, orientada a la web, de desarrollos como los marcos relacionales de contratación entre empresas como Vested Way, de Kate Vitasek…
Reblog of Stefan Bohacek:
Reblog via Stefan Bohacek "Relational creation means recognizing the value that others have brought to you, and wanting to acknowledge it publicly. That means crediting… that means linking." #internet #TheWeb #OpenWeb #indieweb #GiftEconomy Esto es una forma específica,…
Reblog of Stefan Bohacek:
CATFARM , France
• The Catfarm is an off-grid community of travelers, (digital) nomads, artists, healers, entrepreneurs, and purpose-driven people with the will to explore an alternative lifestyle closer to nature
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzS8GVyEJYg
• https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/catfarm/
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity #climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving
"Relational creation means recognizing the value that others have brought to you, and wanting to acknowledge it publicly. That means crediting… that means linking."
At #fosdem2025 the queue for tasty #cookies is the fastest on site. Why ? They are #free so no time lost in money transaction.
We knew it, #gifteconomy and #opensource are more efficient ! ;) Thanks #mozilla
Rob Greenfield on:
Living without money and owning anything.
I know about rob greenfield from how to grow your grocery videos.
But he does #minimalism at a difficult level.
But shows what's possible and that even if we do fraction of it we can live a simple and free life.
#simpleliving #nonownership #creativecommons #livingwithoutmoney #intothewild #closertonature #livesimply
#Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #sustainableliving
We've got another Dark Ages coming. You want to be the monk in the monastery copying out books. You want to be the villager sharing your apples with the folks who are sharing their freshly slaughtered goat with those who brought in the oat crop. Gift economy, babycakes. Gimme that old time economy.
This is an excellent talk by Gift Economy theorist Genevieve Vaughan. Perhaps the most accessible of her talks. She goes into the origin, nature, and application of the #theory and practice of the maternal #gifteconomy
#gender #care #infants #children #parenting #brain #language #humans #psychology #biology
Well Yokodai , Japan
An international urban village for families & travelers, based on 'gift'.
• https://ecovillage.org/ecovillage/well-yokodai/
• https://www.well.yokodai.org/?lang=en
#japan #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #selfsufficientcommunities #selfsufficiency #diylife #selfreliance #offgrid #ecovillages #ecovillage #anarchism #anarchocommunism #communism #intentionalcommunity
#climatechange #intentionalcommunities
#antiAuthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #antiwork #Donatetimenotmoney #volunteering
#humanity #simpleliving #sustainableliving