I slept 10 hours last night with only 3 p's. This is fuckin' amazing for my brain.
I slept 10 hours last night with only 3 p's. This is fuckin' amazing for my brain.
Wochenrückblick, Ausgabe 9 (2023-39) – diesmal zu spät und auch noch ganz kurz, da ich mir zwischendurch ein paar Tage offline gegönnt habe.
Diesmal mit #RapidAPI (und dem Drama um #Insomia), #wezterm von @wez, #PHP und dem Spread-Operator für Arrays, #Minesweeper, zwei Bildern aus Hamburg und wie immer #Techno (und #Disco).
Guide d'openwashing : comment passer d'un projet opensource à un logiciel bridé et privateur ? - https://linuxfr.org/users/minimock/journaux/guide-d-openwashing-comment-passer-d-un-projet-opensource-a-un-logiciel-bride-et-privateur
Et toi, tu en penses quoi ?
Just 2½ hours from my 3rd night in as many weeks with absolutely no sleep at all.
Woo yeah, #Insomia time!
More of the tattoo design. Client wanted a bunch of dark brotherhood stuff from #skyrim #elderscrolls
Couldn't sleep, so I figured I'd work a little more on this tattoo design for a client. First time using Procreate to draw on a 3D model. I tricked procreate into using a 4K texture (export the model with a 4K tex as a usdc from Blender, convert that to a usdz, then import into Procreate) cause the native 2K just wasn't cutting it.