It does not look good when a tutoring ad appears to be posted by someone called "Lol".
It does not look good when a tutoring ad appears to be posted by someone called "Lol".
Oh, the thrill of job hunting — it's like Christmas morning, but every gift is a 403 error!
#Bitmovin wants interns, but apparently forgot to invite them to the job posting party.
Instead, they gift you the soothing message of "forbidden" to make you feel ever so special.
Perfect for anyone seeking a career in disappointment management. #jobhunting #internships #403error #careerdisappointment #jobposting #HackerNews #ngated
So, I'm (still) looking for work (senior Python backend developer with experience at a lot of other things, if you're curious). And the job postings I'm looking at bear a noticeable difference from the last time I had to actively look for a job a few years back.
I keep seeing stuff that's anywhere between borderline-unethical and inarguably-unethical-bordering-on-illegal.
An example I saw today was for a back-end developer. They didn't outright say it, but I got the impression they're building an "AI" model, or possibly selling training material to those that do. The "must-haves" for the position included wording to the effect of "extensive experience defeating anti-scraping measures".
Twenty years ago, that posting would have been on the dark web; actively working to defeat website operators / content owners protections of their web content? And today, that's just perfectly fine to put in a listing on a major job site?
Have the ethics of my industry slipped into the sewer in the last five years, and I just didn't notice until now?
KlezKanada is seeking an experienced and driven marketing and communications professional to lead the promotion of participant registration for its 30th Anniversary Summer Retreat taking place in Lantier, Québec from August 18 - 24, 2025."
Under Armour is hiring an iOS Engineer! (Fully Remote) We’re re-writing the app from the ground up in SwiftUI.
Bonus: working with me
The University of Cologne is looking for applicants for Professorship in English Literature and Cultural Studies with a Focus on Gender and Queer Studies (W2) and Professorship in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (W3) | Deadline 7 Feb |
#jobposting #university #academia
Hey #Fediverse the new startup I’m mentoring is looking for a hardware/software development person or team that can design a “battery management system” (BMS) for a new Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) that we’re prototyping and preparing to manufacture. If you or anyone in your network is interested, please respond or DM me for more information. #Seeking #jobs #SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineer #HardwareDev #SoftwareDev #JobPosting @johnvenr
Open PhD/Junior Researcher or PostDoc/Senior Researcher position at @fizise research group with focus on #knowledgegraphs and #largelanguagemodels #llms at @fiz_karlsruhe
Deadline for applications: Sep 15, 2024
#PhD#PostDoc #JobAd #jobposting #semanticweb #ai #dh #rdm
This local org Disability Alliance British Columbia is looking for a #WebDeveloper who understands #WebsiteAccessibility.
"DABC is planning to redesign our website to become easier for people to use and built with accessibility in mind. It is our preference to work with a web developer who has lived experience with disability and previous demonstrated experience designing accessible websites."
I'm looking for a video editor! I like streaming, but right now life is crazy and I cannot edit videos by myself. If you're interested, I recommend tuning into some of our streams on #Twitch and catching the vibes. You can also watch some of our videos on #YouTube.
If you've never heard of #Pally, it's like Ko-Fi, but for teams!
Für das von der Europäischen Kommission geförderte Forschungsprojekt suchen wir Dich im Raum München (Arbeitsort Starnberg) als
Mitarbeiter:in für Ecosystem-Building (w/m/x) in Teil- oder Vollzeit
→ Du teilst mit uns die Leidenschaft, die europäische Souveränität in der Digitalsphäre zu stärken? Dann freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung per Email! Hier geht es zur detaillierten Jobbeschreibung:
Bitte auch gern weiter teilen;)
Stellenausschreibung am Lehrstuhl für Islamische Geschichte und Kultur an der @unituebingen
Ich verlasse die Uni auf eigenen Wunsch und somit wird eine Stelle frei. Super Chefin, tolles Team und sehr viel wissenschaftlicher Freiraum. Bei Fragen stehe ich natürlich zur Verfügung
#Islamwissenschaft; #IslamicateStudies; #academia #UniTuebingen; #phd
EDIT: AltText hinzugefügt
Vacancy - USGS Associate Director for Core Science Systems
-- <--link to job posting, all details here
Open until May 3, 2024 to the public and internally to senior executives
#mapping #geology #geologic #geologist #gischat #risk #hazard #usgs #job #jobopportunity #jobsearch #hiringnow #nowhiring #jobs #jobhunt #jobposting #recruiting #careers #hiring #jobsearching #needajob #jobposting #USGS #federalservice #executive #executivelevel #coresciencesystems #CSS #science #director #associatedirector
Are you an early career professional, spatial, geologist, looking for a role?
-- <-- link to posting description on USA Jobs
I saw this advertised and thought it might be of interest... note that this is a term position & open to the public
#gis #spatial #mapping #geology #geologic #risk #hazard #usgs #job #jobopportunity #jobsearch #hiringnow #nowhiring #jobs #jobhunt #jobposting #recruiting #careers #hiring #jobsearching #needajob #jobposting #hirefriday #geologist #gischat
cool #JobPosting for #Historian and assistant at this excellent #Vancouver based organization Union of BC Indian Chiefs.
"The UBCIC Research Department has an opening for a full-time, permanent historical researcher [...] this position will focus on advancing specific claims and supporting UBCIC Research educational initiatives to the BC First Nations research community."
Only requires BA & belief in their mission.
#Indigenous #FirstNations
Wow, Wayne State University has posted that they are hiring 50 faculty to start a new Detroit Center for Black Studies!
Looking for a tenure-track faculty position in CS? UMBC's CSEE department is hiring!!
UMBC is an amazing school that is actually dedicated to an inclusive culture that supports diversity. Plus, we became an R1 last year, so exciting things are happening!
#academicmastodon #JobPosting
Come work with me at the University of Manitoba Libraries! We're currently recruiting for the positions of Arts & Humanities Liaison Librarian (Indigenous) and Social Sciences Liaison Librarian (Indigenous). Please see the links below to view the postings:
Arts & Humanities Liaison Librarian (Indigenous) : HTTPS://VIPRECPROD.AD.UMANITOBA.CA/DEFAULT.ASPX?REQ_ID=29822
Social Sciences Liaison Librarian (Indigenous): HTTPS://VIPRECPROD.AD.UMANITOBA.CA/DEFAULT.ASPX?REQ_ID=29823
@librarians #Librarians #Indigenous #UniversityOfManitoba #Winnipeg #Manitoba #JobPosting