Hey, America! We solved it, we cracked the health care code!
Instead of giving numerous insurance companies, each with their own bureaucracy and overhead and profit margins, our money in a bunch of pools that may or may not pay for our health care... hear me out...
We put all our money in one pool with a single bureaucracy similar to or exactly like, oh, let's say Medicare. Why, we could stop paying more money for less care.
If we have trouble figuring out this new solution we could check with *checks notes* every other developed nation on Earth who's already doing this better and cheaper than we currently are.
Just a thought. #revolution
We could call it the Let's Unite Investments & Gut Insurance act. LUIGI for short.
@tankgrrl Crazy! We could send a little of our paychecks every month, maybe automatically, to an organization that isn't interested in making money off the process, and they administer the process standardized across the country. Maybe there's some sort of Federal group that could help....
@virtualbri That's genius! You're saying our health care system doesn't have to be for profit, just a system that gives us... health care without also extracting profit. What a concept!
I like it apart from making it easier for an 18 year old Nazi to come in, twiddle some code, and drain the pool into some other unknown account.
@tankgrrl *not Switzerland :(