200 days of programming in Union Square
I live less than a mile from Union Square and you could not pay me to go hang out there. It's just the most boring and least fun part of the city. I don't think inorganic 'space activation' will help. There's just no 'culture' there beyond... corporate stuff. Very little good food or cafes. I don't know why they want to revitalize it so badly (I know why, commercial real estate)
@skinnylatte revitalize is totally the wrong word. It’s only ever been a shopping destination in my experience, and maybe a decent restaurant or two (there was a good sushi restaurant there in the 90s). I’ve pretty much only ever been there to walk through to somewhere else. Also to see the Niketown when it first opened.
@skinnylatte Overall I agree w “no culture there” but I have nostalgic memories of the bike messenger community and the many colorful street vendors that clustered around Union Sq, and I used to fantasize they were a real village, with their own lingo and hidden communal structure. Even if that was true though, of course the city wouldn’t invest in them.
@teajaygrey yeah unappetizing $30 food truck dishes ugh
@skinnylatte Hey I gave a speech there once to rile up 200+ burly picketers to shut down the annual San Francisco Democratic Party luncheon at the Sir Francis Drake and we had cops as nervous audience. That was exciting.
@skinnylatte I don't get it either, but a lot of folks seem to like it. I'm certainly happy to have them spend their money here instead of at Amazon or whatever.