August 1984:
#Commodore buys #Amiga,
#JackTramiel declares war on the competition &
#Nintendo announces US #NES launch plans!
These stories and many more on the latest episode of the VGNRTM!
August 1984:
#Commodore buys #Amiga,
#JackTramiel declares war on the competition &
#Nintendo announces US #NES launch plans!
These stories and many more on the latest episode of the VGNRTM!
One of my PCJr's has this legendary hack inside: JrHotShot II. It's a board that plugs into the CPU socket to give 640k internal, clock, and NEC V20 CPU. With no sidecars. Quite ingenious, really. #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #pcjr
Blast from the past! Defragging my ST-225 in my PCJr #pcjr #retro #retrocomputing
(I promise there are other retro computers and software I want to talk about, I am just on a #PCjr kick right now)
This is IBM PCjr ColorPaint, a program I have strong memories of as a child. I remember seeing it running at the mall and being allowed to paint in the screen. Incredible! We later had it and I would try to draw G.I. Joe characters with it.
On Sept 22nd I started the PCjr for a long-term test of the mTCP web server and NetDrive. This time the PCjr was running without a hard drive; all of the content was served from a network attached drive letter via NetDrive.
Last night we had a major wind storm and the UPS was no match for the long power outage, so I had to shut the PCjr down. It nearly made it to 1400 hours of continuous operation, serving my site at
I think the code is stable ,,
My "go to" old radio programming laptop is a thinkpad t20. But the moto Saber radio software is so finicky even a 486 is to fast for it.
Finally my PCjr has a real use!
Greetings! I'm not big on social media but I finally broke down and created a Mastodon account so that people can more easily find me, especially for things related to retrocomputing.
I just spent a completely ridiculous amount of time checking if there were any other old multiplatform games that are graphically best on composite or any other CGA mode, besides Wilderness: A Survival Adventure. Like Wilderness, they were mostly Apple II ports, taking advantage of CGA's superior-in-theory artifact palette and resolution. Unlike Wilderness, the improvements are too modest and subjective to mention. This game is a true outlier. I'm still really interested in checking this game out some time, it seems like it holds up as a robust simulation.
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #appleii #a2 #cga #PixelArt #pcjr #ibm #ibmpc #pc #GamePreservation #lostmedia
Can't wait for the power adapter replacement tomorrow to play around with this.
#vintagepc #ibmpcjr #pcjr #computers
i seriously love that sierra did their own in-house demake of King's Quest IV so it would run on 256K ram machines like the IBM PCjr
the AGI (256K) version uses a different parser, and half the resolution of the SCI (512K) version that most people played. side by side comparisons below. left: AGI, right: SCI
it was sold in a completely different box, and ordered directly from sierra by calling a toll-free number or mailing in an exchange form.
This wasn't some sort of proprietary thing, IIRC, you just plugged it between your printer and the parallel port and it just worked. We used it on our #PCjr and later our 286 machine.
Reading the description in the catalogue it was even more interesting than I thought. It was programmable and had an OS. In the late 80s!
So how is everyone’s weekend going so far. Mine has been pretty good!
#BASIC turns 60 today! Happy birthday from the PCjr. Sometimes, I wonder what path my life would have diverged into if I had never had access to a computer and a book on BASIC programming as a kid.
The image/source is originally from Icons & Images by Elmer Larsen from 1985. I typed it in and tweaked it with PC-BASIC, then transferred it to a working PCjr with a gotek floppy drive.
Retrocomputing Mastobrain! I am am working with @cvwise to complete a video of my #pcjr presentation from #vcfeast2024. I am looking for somewhere to host it. Where do you think the best place to do this is?
Once upon a time I used a PeerTube host whose name I can't even remember anymore. But I want a location that can easily be shared across the #retrocomputing community. Now, a lot of us are here so that may work. [1/2]
Today, my goals are to work on my household finances a bit, and to work with @cvwise at making a YouTube-able version of my "Life and Times of the IBM PCjr" presentation from #vcfeast2024 that I can share here and try to submit to the IBM Archives.
We started work yesterday, and because there is a slight interference in the composite out from the #pcjr (making it warble slightly) and chroma-key bleed, it looks like it came off of VHS and has a slight analog horror vibe (which I love)
@cvwise is processing my #vcfeast2024 #pcjr video into OBS using the Junior's composite video out. There is some sort of minor interference in the line, giving it slight analog horror vibes.
The full video is a 30 minutes long.
@hannahpatellis @RonsCompVids @admin @mac84tv @burgerbecky @cvwise @Maclibrarian @arkaxow Close up views of my #pcjr presentation at #vcfeast2024