Between Sam Altman, Sundar Pichai, and Elon Musk on the one side, and Roger Penrose on the other... I think my ideas about AI are more in line with Penrose's.
Between Sam Altman, Sundar Pichai, and Elon Musk on the one side, and Roger Penrose on the other... I think my ideas about AI are more in line with Penrose's.
Alan Turing had proven that determining whether an arbitrary program will halt (terminate) or run forever is non-computable.
Sir Roger Penrose claims that human consciousness might involve non-computable processes, thus won't be achievable with current computer-driven AI implementations. However, this doesn't mean that these AIs won't be better than humans in certain tasks.
Shadows of the Mind provides an illuminating look at where these profound changes may take place and what our future understanding of the world may be.
But perhaps the most interesting wrinkle in Shadows of the Mind is #Penrose's excursion into microbiology, where he examines cytoskeletons and microtubules, minute substructures lying deep within the brain's neurons. (He argues that #microtubules--not neurons--may indeed be the basic units of the brain, which, if nothing else, would dramatically increase the brain's computational power.)
#Penrose cuts a wide swathe through modern science, providing penetrating looks at everything from Turing machines (computers programmed from artificial intelligence) to the implications of Godel's theorem maintaining that conscious thinking must indeed involve ingredients that cannot adequately be stimulated by mere computation.
Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness by Roger Penrose, 1994
#Penrose points the way to a new science, one that may eventually explain the physical basis of the human mind.
This article surprised me.
It lists & discusses...
...yet somehow it entirely fails to even mention the most probable scenario of all
#KnowledgeBit: The #Penrose #Stairs are a two-dimensional optical illusion that depicts a staircase that forms a continuous loop. The stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend.
When viewed from a specific angle, it gives the illusion that the stairs are continuously ascending or descending. However, the structure is physically impossible to exist in three-dimensional space.
Das Ganze gibt es natürlich auch als Animation. Im Computer kann durchaus auf der Treppe im Kreis gegangen werden.
Betrachtet man die Szene aus einer anderen Perspektive, so kann man sehen, dass die Figürchen von der höchsten Stufe auf die niedrigste springen müssen und umgekehrt. Und das natürlich ohne Zeitverzug.
Die Konstruktion der Escher-Treppe: Links aus der "Escher-Perspektive" gesehen, rechts aus einer beliebigen anderen Richtung.
Die optische Täuschung ist ein Phänomen der Perspektive, die Treppe existiert in der Realität.
Für Besserwisser: Die Treppe muss natürlich oben ein wenig schmaler sein als unten, damit die Stufen in der Perspektive zusammenpassen
Dieses Poster der Escher-Treppe*) hängt schon seit über 50 Jahren in meiner Wohnung.
Und schon immer wollte ich dieses Gebäude bauen.
Ja, das geht, denn diese Treppe ist real - das Einzige, was man nicht kann, ist darauf im Kreis gehen.
*) wird auch Penrose-Treppe genannt, da er sich ebenfalls mit dem Problem beschäftigt hat.
#Quantum #Physics #Jung #Pauli #Einstein #Dirac #Penrose
The Strange World of #Penrose #Tiling : Medium
Worried About Your #Food’s #Carbon #Footprint? Ask What, Not Where : Forbes
Did we kill the #Neanderthals? New research may finally answer an age-old question. : Live Sci
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
I found these Penrose tilings at the Festival of Lights in Berlin.
#penrose #penrosetilings #festivaloflightsberlin #berlin #TilingTuesday
Oh, and of course I played the "Game of 'Rose".
Roger #Penrose Breaks Silence : " #DarkMatter Doesn't Exist" #astronomy #physics
Print Yourself Penrose Wave Tiles As An Excellent Conversation Starter - Ah, tiles. You can get square ones, and do a grid, or you can get fancier shapes a... - #penrosewavetile #3dprinterhacks #rogerpenrose #mathematics #penrosetile #3dprinting #geometry #penrose #maths #tiles
#Consciousness & #WaveFunction
#SabineHossenfelder: "The reason that [Sir Roger] #Penrose thinks that the collapse of the wave function creates consciousness is that he believes consciousness can't be computed. And since we know everything besides the collapse of the wave function is computable in #physics, the collapse must be it." (2:30)