O concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar na área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX), aberto pela Universidade de Évora, encerra a 20 de Março.
O concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar na área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX), aberto pela Universidade de Évora, encerra a 20 de Março.
In a chapter of the book "A History of Physics", Quintino Lopes contributes to the #HistoryOfPhysics in the period between-wars, "examining relations between the physics laboratories of the Faculty of Sciences ogf teh University of Lisbon and the Instituto Superior Técnico on the one hand and the Laboratoire Curie, the @collegedefrance and other prestigious science institutions on the other hand".
This week's #NewBooks at the library: Two more copies of the #CharlesDarwin correspondence project, obtained via second-hand booksellers at very reasonable prices; Multicellularity: Origins and Evolution from @themitpress; and Diana Preston's The Evolution of Charles Darwin from Grove Press
Today I learned that the person that proved the equations of general relativity (for empty space) always have well defined solutions was a french lady who died about three weeks ago.
Dr Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat proved this via results published in 1952 and 1969: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yvonne_Choquet-Bruhat #historyofscience #generalrelativity
Radical by Nature is out in paperback! This is an in-depth, intimate, and tremendously enjoyable biography of the long and remarkable life of Victorian naturalist #AlfredRusselWallace.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Evolution #HistoryOfScience #ScienceHistory #HistSci #Scicomm @bookstodon @princetonupress @princetonnature
“ Although the details of animal magnetism may sound absurd (and even morally dubious) to modern ears, within its context Mesmerism was very much in line with the latest scientific developments. In some ways, exciting experiments with invisible forces — gravity, electricity, magnetism, wondrous gases like hydrogen — defined the era. Unlike the occultists of the previous ages, Mesmer was striving to give his practices a rational scientific as opposed to a religious flavour. Indeed, although the magnetic fluid part did not work out, in an important sense, animal magnetism marked the beginnings of hypnosis and psychological suggestion. These are very real and possibly still clinically useful phenomena, as a recent resurgence in research shows.”
Isaac Newton’s beer mug to go on show in Royal Society exhibition in London https://www.theguardian.com/science/2025/mar/01/isaac-newtons-beer-mug-to-go-on-show-in-royal-society-exhibition-in-london #Historyofscience #RoyalSociety #IsaacNewton #Science #UKnews #Beer
Workshop: Large Language Models for the History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science
April 2–4, 2025
TU Berlin, Germany & Online
16 contributed talks on LLM use cases & implications
Free and open to the public—registration encouraged!
#AI #HistoryOfScience #PhilosophyOfScience #LLMs
Workshop "LLMs for HPSS" - TU ...
Workshop: Large Language Models for the History, Philosophy & Sociology of Science
April 2–4, 2025
TU Berlin, Germany & Online
Exploring how LLMs can address challenges in HPSS research
Keynotes by Iryna Gurevych, Nina Tahmasebi & Pierluigi Cassotti
16 contributed talks on LLM use cases & implications
Free and open to the public—registration encouraged! More info: https://www.tu.berlin/hps-mod-sci/workshop-llms-for-hpss](https://www.tu.berlin/hps-mod-sci/workshop-llms-for-hpss
#AI #HistoryOfScience #PhilosophyOfScience #SociologyOfScience #LLMs
Inside the Stargazers’ Palace: The Transformation of Science in 16th-Century Northern Europe, by Violet Moller
Astronomy in the immediate aftermath of Copernicus, through the focus of seven northern European locations.
#Uncategorized #Bookblog2025 #HistoryOfScience
Serious #astronomy #historyofscience question.
If folks thought we lived in a geocentric universe, how did they explain the variation in the lengths of days over the course of the year? Did the Sun literally speed up and slow down as it orbited the Earth over a year?
Things I think about when driving.
Beyond causality
In order to bridge the yawning gulf between the humanities and the sciences we must turn to an unexpected field: mathematics
By Gordon Gillespie
The editors of #HoST — Journal of History of Science and Technology have opened a call for a thematic dossier to be published in 2026.
The deadline is 31 March 2025
The Pythagorean Way – International Conference
Guardavalle, Italy
24–26 April 2025
Exploring Pythagorean philosophy, mathematics, music, cosmology & mysticism. Scholars are invited to submit abstracts (max 350 words) on all aspects of the Pythagorean legacy.
Deadline: 28/02/2025
A Universidade de Évora abriu um concurso para Investigador/a Auxiliar para a área de História da Ciência, Tecnologia, Património Científico e Ambiente (séculos XIX e XX).
As candidaturas decorrem até 20 de Março.
My favorite unboxing: #diefraualsmensch file:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/9CA09E31-3826-432E-9BA2-F71139E77EBC/Library/Application%20Support/Documents/Unboxing%20fraualsmensch.iMovieMobile/Movies/Unboxing%20fraualsmensch.mov #comic #comics #SienceFem #archeology #paleontology #frauenstatuetten #sachcomic #history #historyofscience #historymatters #reprodukt
A reminder of why we need informed consent and ethics approval for human participant research.
"In 1964, the medical researcher Paul Beeson, who had been a professor of medicine at both Yale and Oxford, wrote that the Nuremberg Code was “a wonderful document to say why the war crimes were atrocities, but it’s not a very good guide to clinical investigation which is done with high motives”."
#ResearchEthics #MedicalEthics #InformedConsent #HumanResearch #HistoryOfScience
Humboldt part 2! This admirably concise biography offers a factual and nuanced picture of Humboldt's life and work, and critically interrogates previous portrayals.
#Books #BookReview #Bookstodon #Biography #AlexanderVonHumboldt #HistoryOfScience #ScienceHistory #HistSci #Scicomm @bookstodon @princetonupress @princetonnature