Noam Chomsky, a renowned linguist, philosopher, and public intellectual, has significantly impacted society in various ways:
*Linguistics and Cognitive Science*
1. *Transformational Generative Grammar*: Chomsky revolutionized linguistics with his theory, which posits that language is innate and governed by universal rules.
2. *Cognitive Science*: His work laid the foundation for cognitive science, an interdisciplinary field that studies the human mind and its processes.
*Politics and Social Issues*
1. *Critique of Power and Propaganda*: Chomsky has been an outspoken critic of power structures, highlighting the role of media and propaganda in shaping public opinion.
2. *Anti-War Activism*: He has been a vocal opponent of imperialism, militarism, and wars, advocating for peaceful resolution of conflicts.
3. *Support for Human Rights and Social Justice*: Chomsky has consistently supported human rights, social justice, and grassroots movements, often speaking out against oppression and inequality.
*Education and Critical Thinking*
1. *Promoting Critical Thinking*: Chomsky has emphasized the importance of critical thinking, encouraging people to question authority and challenge dominant narratives.
2. *Education as Empowerment*: He has advocated for education as a means of empowering individuals and communities, rather than merely serving the interests of power.
*Media and Culture*
1. *Media Critique*: Chomsky's work has highlighted the role of media in shaping public opinion and perpetuating power structures.
2. *Influence on Alternative Media*: His ideas have inspired alternative media outlets and independent journalists, promoting a more diverse and critical media landscape.
Overall, Chomsky's impact on society has been profound, influencing fields from linguistics to politics, education, and media. His commitment to critical thinking, social justice, and human rights continues to inspire new generations of scholars, activists, and thinkers.
(Source: Unclear/Consider one of Chomsky's most celebrated books: How the World Works
The confiscated books included titles on the work of British artist #Banksy, and others by the Israeli historian #IlanPappé and the US academic #NoamChomsky.
“They chose books by the cover, taking books that had a Palestinian flag, or just the word #Palestine in the title,” Muna said. “They were using #Google Translate and took photos to send to their bosses.”
February 2025
"Professor Noam Chomsky explains how NATO has overstepped its bounds and engaged in empire building ever since the 1990s. After the Cold War's end, Russia agreed to allow Germany to enter NATO, and NATO promised not to "move one inch eastwards." Soon after, the United States started coercing former Soviet satellites to join the alliance. An early attempt was President Clinton inviting nations bordering Russia to enter NATO in 1997, despite numerous diplomats warning him that this would only provoke Russia to counteract. All subsequent administrations continued to break the Cold War-era pact; NATO continued to burgeon in the East. By 2022, international pressure on Ukraine to follow suit had piled up considerably. Professor Chomsky likens Ukraine, a Russian neighbor, joining NATO, to Mexico joining a pro-China alliance. He condemns President Putin's invasion of Ukraine, but asserts that it was instigated."—"In Depth with Noam Chomsky" [04-03-2022, on C-SPAN]
What They Don't Tell You about NATO with Noam Chomsky >
Check this meme, which has been circulating a lot lately, and is a "both sides" dog whistle.
A threst is almost always objective, NOT subjective, and you can see how cleverly the lines are blurred, as most people don't want to bother with such linguistic subtleties
This is why them with linguistic interest and capability (read: Noam Chomsky) are needed to call out and clarify what is hyperbolic propagamda, however subtle.
Moreover, butterflies are no threat, as they don't invade my home, contamiinate my food, and breed exponentially, as cockroaches do.
Cockroaches are definitely a threat.
“There are no poor countries, only failed systems of resource management.”
“No one will place the truth in your mind; it is something you must discover for yourself.”
“If you want to control a people, create an imaginary enemy that appears more dangerous than you, then present yourself as their savior.”
“One of the clearest lessons of history: rights are not granted; they are taken by force.”
Today in Labor History March 8, 1971: The Citizens Committee to Investigate the FBI stole 1,000 documents from the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania. They later released the documents to newspapers, revealing the FBI’s COINTELPRO program, which harassed, imprisoned & murdered US political dissidents. According to Noam Chomsky, 40% of the documents were dedicated to political surveillance. James Ellroy wrote about the burglary in his 2009 novel, “Blood’s a Rover.”
#workingclass #LaborHistory #fbi #cointellpro #noamchomsky #jamesellroy #novel #books #writer #author #surveillance #journalism #prison #murder @bookstadon
"That's the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don't work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital." ---Noam Chomsky
@remenca @normanefe @yosola @irenerd
No hay que atribuir a la estupidez lo que SÍ es maldad y manipulación.
Que saludos de #NoamChomsky y #EdwardSHerman
> .. the business world warned of “the hazard facing industrialists” in “the newly realized political power of the masses,” and the need to wage and win “the everlasting battle for the minds of men” and “indoctrinate citizens with the capitalist story” until “they are able to play back the story with remarkable fidelity”.. an impressive flow, accompanied by even more impressive efforts... surely one of the central themes of modern history.#NoamChomsky #FonesWolf #uspol
Destijds was ik 19 dus had wel iets anders aan m'n hoofd dan internationale politiek.
Maar wat mooi om terug te lezen dit. Vind je echt niet meer in de kranten heden ten dage...
En je snapt meteen waarom de een nog steeds internationaal aanzien geniet en de ander vooral in Nederland wordt/werd geëerd als 'intellectueel'.
Polemiek tussen Frits Bolkestein en Noam Chomsky in @nrc_nl
best to learn who he is, what his thoughts are.
A good place to start is "Who Rules the World?"
Nathan J. Robinson, editor-in-chief of Current Affairs, joins to discuss his recent book The Myth of American Idealism: How U.S. Foreign Policy Endangers the World, co-authored with Noam Chomsky. #USPolitics #USPol #USPoli #book #NoamChomsky
Hah! You figured me out, YouTube!
A collection of videos that YouTube thinks I'm interested in: #REM's "Don't Go Back To Rockville," A mashup of #SheWantsRevenge's "Tear You Apart" and #Bauhaus' "Bela Lugosi is Dead"; #JohnOliver's "Last Week Tonight"; #BernieSanders calling Trump a Criminal; #NoamChomsky asking if HUMANITY NEARING ITS END, and "Burn Your Village To the Ground" by The #HalluciNation.
Noam Chomsky : Comment la politique étrangère des États-Unis met le monde en danger
Noam Chomsky est le critique de l’empire américain le plus célèbre au monde. Aucun intellectuel vivant ne peut rivaliser. Même John Mearsheimer, le théoricien des relations internationales bien connu pour ses critiques des relations étrangères des États-Unis, ne lui arrive pas à la cheville : une recherche Google Ngram révèle rapidement le nombre de fois […]
#Politique #Géopolitique #EmpireAméricain #NoamChomsky
Les Crises
Noam Chomsky : Comment la politique étrangère des États-Unis met le monde en danger: Noam Chomsky est le critique de l'empire américain le plus célèbre au monde. Aucun intellectuel vivant ne peut rivaliser. Même John Mearsheimer, le théoricien des relations internationales bien connu pour ses critiques des relations étrangères des États-Unis, ne lui arrive pas… #NoamChomsky #PolitiqueEtrangere #EmpireAmericain #RelationsInternationales #CritiqueSociale
> Nobel Prize-winning economist James Buchanan, who writes that what each person seeks in an “ideal situation” is “mastery over a world of slaves.” That’s what you seek, in case you hadn’t noticed, something that Adam Smith would have regarded as simply pathological.
#DemocracyAndEducation #NoamChomsky #JamesBuchanan #WorldOfSlaves #MasteryOverAWorldOfSlaves
WATCH: Noam Chomsky: The five filters of the mass media machine
According to American linguist and #political #activist, Noam Chomsky, media operate through 5 filters: ownership, #advertising the media elite, flak, and the common enemy.
This man's intellect, perspective, insight is astounding. At 96! #NoamChomsky